Hiya, I’m Felix — Let’s make your tech organisation kickass.

Hiya, I’m Felix — Let’s make your tech organisation kickass.
Hiya, I’m Felix — Let’s make your tech organisation kickass.

I’m an engineering leadership consultant with a proven track record working with executives and senior leadership in developer relations and platform engineering departments. The majority of challenges for tech organisations are not about tech. Let us craft organisational & operational excellence and set the foundation for a thriving business.


An allrounder toolbox
with everything you need

Business Partnering

There is a lot on the plates of senior leadership. Let me extend your organisation’s leadership team to create more bandwidth on your side to focus on things that need your full attention without dropping any ball, from managing programs and teams to taking care of “human resources” and business operations.

Engineering Operations

As organisations evolve and new complexities emerge, the needs change. Let us build a more effective, efficient, and scalable engineering organisation by developing tools, processes, and frameworks along the journey of your engineers that fit your current context and prepare you for future needs.

Developer Relations

Sustainably attracting the best talent is not a one-off effort, neither in good nor bad times. Let us unleash synergies by bridging the gap between your engineers, senior leadership, the business, and external tech communities. So your high-performance engineering culture eventually speaks for itself and act as magnet for talent.

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2018–2024 © Felix Heck